
Whole Family

Weather station/indoor-outdoor thermometer/something to tell us how cold it is outside.

Contribution to our Spotify fund (except don't do a Spotify gift card, because it can't be applied to a family plan for some reason...)

Calvin and Hobbes, Far Side, Baby Blues  or FoxTrot books

All three little kids are really into art supplies right now, and would love any communal art kits, etc. More ideas listed below by the person who thought of it. Also: tape. Lots and lots of tape. Oh, how they love tape!

Emergency supplies - phone charger, long-term food storage, camping flashlights (they are always getting lost!)

Laser tag!

Zoo/Science museum/other museum membership/Seabreeze tickets


Greeting Cards.  Nice cards that I can use for writing notes.  Homemade is preferred!

Bow ties (real that I tie myself).  I need an orange one or two (RIT).  Also some other ones that are colorful but conservative enough for church.  My suits are green, blue, and dark gray.  

Dried fruit or other types of snack food.

Books (paperback or used is great):  Biographies of apostles or early church members.  A good book on how to always be able to start a fire with just matches (seriously).  Funny books.  Classics. 

Tools:  Wire strippers that really work.  Some tool that I can't live without but haven't yet seen....

Bike stuff - lights, bells, those weird tools that are specialized, anything.

Camping or canoeing stuff.  A folding saw, a chair with a back that is light and small, fun campsite games to do with the family.


<3 Donation to charity. Some of my favorites are  Deaf Refugee Advocacy (a local group here in Rochester that takes care of deaf refugees in the area), UNESCO, Latter-Day Saint Charities, or To Ukraine with Love

Fabric for cloth bags


Weather station 

Thermal camera for Android phone (e.g. Flir or other similar infrared camera)

butter holder

Chrome cast

Christmas tree stand with huge reservoir

Wall clocks

AllTrails membership

3 dinner plates, 3 saucers, 2 salad plates, 4 tea cups, blemished is fine :)  https://www.replacements.com/china-corning-blue-velvet-corelle/c/16773


Nice lotion or cute soaps

"His Name is Green Flake" on Amazon

Grass clippers for gardening

Wool hiking socks

Dry sacks

dutch oven lid lifter/holder

Address stamp

Sustainable, earth-friendly stuff, like beeswax food wraps and silicone sandwich bags. You know, all the stuff that's sort of expensive to justify buying myself, but looks really cool.

Electric kettle for heating water on road trips


World Peace


Funny trumpet/brass t-shirt

Fun earrings

Stuff I'll need for college or a mission 

Plunger (for trumpet muting purposes)


Violin posters, pins, etc...

Any physical Brandon Sanderson book or Brandon Sanderson stuff

Board/card games


Strive to Be/yearly youth theme stuff (pins, posters, etc...)

Time - preferably in hour long increment

A camping hammock

An e-reader (slightly older models preferred)


Pogo stick

Stomp rocket

Giant baby animals that are as big as Ruby.

Remote control cars

Hover soccer

A diary-of-an-8-bit-warrior costume. This one is my top I-definitely-want-super-bad-more-than-all-the-others.

Any sort of card game or Uno special edition.

Lots of the fluffy yarn I use to make octuposes. Ask Lill for the size, [this is Lillian - just about as thick as you can get works great] and make it different colors.

A trophy I can give to my teacher of some sort.

A ticket to Seabreeze

A nice, shiny fabric that I can use to make the coolest swords. A beautiful black or a nice dark reflective green or blue.

Things that will help me later in life.

Some sort of thing that could be used to help others in some way.

Poppy seeds

Ninja costume!!! Ninj🌶️a peppers ( no not really)

Plastic peppers (not really) about 10-20, with ninja costumes if possible.

A camera that can transfer videos for video editing.


Art supplies:



things that are possible I could get but you will not give them to me

things you can not afford but I still want


ninja costume 

Drawing stuff like a white board or something reusable


Play dough

rainbow Sprinkles for cookies and cakes

Pretty bike helmet

food supplies like toppings                                                                   


a minecraft costume.

new Halloween bucket 

lots of candy!!!!!  (including chocolate chips and tootsie rolls.)

GIGANTIC STUFFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Art to hang in my room 

night light

poppy seeds 

recipe for Challah bread


a new thing of tempra paint

shaving cream

  FREE ICE CREAM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10!

inflatable SWORD (9000 of them

 a bottle of whipped cream

moolah [money]

a stained glass little window 

a old-fashioned camera


a calendar

a pet horse they are so adorable

a Minecraft pass

my own tent


 black clothes


a remote control drone

a stuffed animal bigger than Ruby

some family pictures hang up in my room

my own computer

black cat ears

World Peace

my own wooden recorder

relight candles

my own little plant

a phone                                          

cross country skies