Christmas 2020

Dear Friends,

Greetings from Marriner, Christine, Lige (16), Ellis (14), Lillian (12), Sam (7), Martha (5) and Jane (3). We’ve started writing down funny things people in our family say on a quote board. We thought some of our favorite quotes this year might make funny t-shirts. So here’s our year, in t-shirt style:

I get to choose what I want to hear - Jane

There are real wands at Harry Potter Land that make people STOP TALKING. - Jane

Things that taste good are always hard to make. Salads are easy to make. - Sam

You can just make up a true story. - Lillian

I really was talking first, but then I was done talking so I stopped. - Martha


This house is more yummy than quiet. - Sam

I don't do English! English is for really old people. - Sam

Why don't you just get better at it faster? - Martha

I'll die, and be reincarcerated as king. - Lillian

And now, Mom, I do joy in receiving your driving advice, for I was somewhat worried concerning what we should do, whether it would be just for us to stay in our lane. - Lige (see Alma 61:19)

I have food in my mouth, and I can't talk. - Jane

I want to say sooooo many things. - Jane

Do monarch butterflies come in orange? - Dad

and, our favorite, If you cut your own leg off, it will be "your fault" - Martha

As you can tell, we didn’t have such a bad time in quarantine. Fabulous roommates make all the difference. But lots of other great things happened this year, too. Here is a summary:

  • In April, we decided to beat the quarantine monotony by putting on a Zoom concert. It was our first time doing a full concert for others, but we had a lot of fun! Our favorite part was doing a photo collage of quarantine pictures while Lillian played, “When will my life begin?” on the violin.

  • Also in April, a chance to buy a house down the street fell into our laps, and we suddenly found ourselves investing in real estate! Our plan was to buy the house, have the kids help us renovate during the long, boring summer stuck at home, and have it done before school started. Unfortunately, a mistake in the paperwork delayed the purchase until October, which ended up being the worst timing ever for us. We got to “enjoy” renovating a house during the final weeks leading up to a conference Marriner was organizing, at the end of the fiscal year at work, and during the chaotic beginning of the school year with virtual classes. It made for some long nights and early mornings, and a lot of sacrifice from the kids to get the work done, but we did it, and the house looks beautiful. We voted as a family which house to live in - everyone voted to stay in our current house, even though it’s smaller. Except Lillian - she wanted a room to practice violin. But she couldn’t convince everyone to move, so the new house has renters in it now.

  • Instead of construction work this summer, we decided to take the most socially-distanced vacation possible - three days canoeing and backcountry camping on the Shenandoah river. The weather was hot and muggy, but the river was beautiful. Everyone had an amazing time...except for that one part where Mom, Dad and the little kids capsized their canoe in the rapids. Everyone was ok, though the little kids were scared. Lige and Ellis chased our gear down the stream, then paddled back upstream to meet the rest of the family. After that, we couldn’t find a suitable place to camp until after dinner time. We were grateful to finally find a spot and get some food, which revived spirits. And the next days’ paddle was easy and beautiful - a bald eagle flew right over our heads! Of course, we all loved the milkshakes at the end.

  • We’ve had lots of adventures in doing school from home. Our county schools have been amazing adapting to online learning, and our kids have done a great job. But even with the most flexible teachers and supportive schools, putting 5 kids (and of course, Dad is at home now, too) on Zoom in a small house with an open floor plan has required some creativity! We’re so proud of our kids’ good nature and cheerfulness as we try different arrangements.

  • We hit a big milestone - Lige got his driving learner’s permit. He has also joined the chess club (he’s pretty hardcore right now!) He’s enjoyed spending more time on the piano, too. Oh yeah, and he sorta got his Eagle Scout award this year. No biggie... :)

  • Ellis has taken advantage of her time to develop her cooking and baking skills. Nobody is complaining!

  • Lillian was enjoying spending a lot of time playing the violin until she hurt her pinkie finger, and has had to take it easy for a few months, as she keeps re-injuring it. It’s been frustrating for her, but she’s managed to overcome by reading several Brandon Sanderson series.

  • Sam, Martha and Jane play outside, make paper airplanes, sing, and enjoy getting to do kid stuff. Sam and Martha are getting good at piano. Jane is getting good at wishing she was older.

  • Christine rocked the veggie garden this year and loves her new lifestyle of not spending every evening driving someone somewhere.

  • Marriner helped plan a virtual conference (IMECE, I’m sure you’ve all heard of it….), convinced enough people to fund his research for the next year, enjoyed the rollercoaster of trying to help our church congregation through a shutdown and gradual reopening of church meetings, and had to start jogging because he doesn’t ride his bike to work anymore! His two favorite things are his home office (an old library carrel Christine got for him last year) and his nice work chair which he lugged from his office and into his car “just in case” the day before they shut down the lab for what ended up being weeks!

And with that, we look forward to a wonderful holiday season. We hope if you have some time, you’ll tell us how things are going for you.

Love, the Merrills